So, what gives?

I was doing animation for Danish television, and needed an easy, solid lipsync module. I looked at the commercial systems – Magpie, etc – that primarily cater to large 3D suites. I found them expensive and hard to configure. Also, HTML5 output was usually bolted-on as an afterthought, which resulted in files that were less than ideal for further work.

So I decided to write my own.

The result is very usable, so I want to share the application with other young animators. It's hardly Pixar quality – but you'll get fast results on par with a lot of 2D television animation. And you're free to tweak the output.

For me, it's been a real enabler, allowing me to create successful animation shorts singlehandedly. I am looking forward to seeing what you put together!

If you create cool stuff with this service, I'll be happy to showcase it.

Found a bug? Drop an email.

All the best -SW

Technical notes

Read the manual! It's all there.

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